Observing Through The Eye Of Morning

September 22, 2004

Observing Through The Eye Of Morning


At first thought this morning I felt I had nothing to blog about. A special friend came over and took me for a ride in a Cadillac Sedan Deville. That doesn't happen everyday to us musician folk. I am used to driving my elderly, dependable, Mazda MPV. When I got home, before working on some unfinished recordings I decided to have a look at the photos I took from the night before. The first picture i clicked onto was that of Christine and Marcos on the patio at The Moose in Woodbridge. In the picture Christine is writing her blog address as Marcos points to her. She just returned to university with English as her major. Christine tells me that she will be using her blog to write her poetry. I think that is a great idea. Marcos, her friend, plays in the band " Eye Of Morning" . I like the name and he comes across quite confident. I wish them both luck. How I got on the patio is another story. I am supposed to be playing inside. Tracy, a waitress at The Moose, came inside and introduced me to Dionne, her friend from Newfoundland. She asked that I bring my guitar on the patio and sing Dionne some Newfie tunes. I went out and Marcos even brought me a stool from inside and I sang Isa Bye and Little Boats Of Newfoundland. I love being on the patio. It's such a beautiful night. " Rat " was there and we sang RATMAN with glorious conviction. I'm feeling the love. After doing a few other pub tunes on the patio I go back inside to work with the non-smokers. Jevon Rudder is there. He's quite a talented producer/singer. He's sitting with Mirella. I do a set then take a break. On my break I go outside and meet these 4-19 year old creative types. I asked if any of them play. Three of them point to Alex. I get them back inside. Alex starts playing. He plays very steady and precise. I enjoyed it. I find out that he has a band called "Calicut Postal"....neat name....I make up a song with him on the fly then Justin goes up and sings. Andrew, the third guy plays bass. He's a lefty. He picked up my guitar and made it groove in a mucho cool way. I took pictures of all of them. At this point I can't see why I didn't think this night was bloggable. Ohhhh....I forgot.....Jay....my 19th best friend was there....and the adventure continues....